The large size of the taddey - up to 2 meters (6 feet) long without the tail - and its lazy appearance, makes it quite different from its agile ancestors.
The Taddey, Multipollex moffati, is a partly quadrupedal, panda-like basal ornithopod, distantly related to Fulgurotherium, from the foothills of the Himalayas, in The New Dinosaurs: An Alternative Evolution.
Well below the snowline, beyond the bare rocks and sparse alpine plants that are the habitat of the hanuhan, the mountains fall away, slope after slope, into the lower flanks and the foothills. On the slopes that reach downwards from about 4,000 meters (13,500 feet) to the misty regions of about 2,000 meters (7,000 feet), the climate is equable and the vegetation more prolific. In the higher reaches the alpine meadows give way to Rhododendron scrub, and then to belts of bamboo forest. The greater variety and volume of plants means that more animals live here than further up. One of the largest of these is the taddey. Another sort of the primitive-looking ornithopod, probably not from the same stock as gave rise to the hanuhan, the taddey is a slow-moving forest animal that feeds almost entirely on bamboo shoots. Several species and subspecies of taddey exist in the bamboo thickets, each one being isolated from the others on particular ranges of foothills. It is a large and heavy animal, unlike its ancestors/relatives, and is able to maintain its slow way of life in the absence of ground-living predators in the Rhododendron and bamboo forests.

The beak is used to scrape leaves and shoots from the woody canes.

The five-fingered hand that was so typical of the basal ornithopods has been retained in the taddey. The small first and fifth fingers have become versatile and opposable, acting as small thumbs that can fold over the palm. The resultant hand is able to firmly grasp the bamboo stems which are the taddey's main food.